Youth Art Month

What is Youth Art Month?

Bullock Texas State History Museum Logo

March is National Youth Art Month, and Texas has been a leader in YAM celebrations and events since it began. TAEA sponsors a number of programs celebrating art during the month of March, such as an exhibit of artwork in the Texas Association of School Administrators / Texas Association of School Boards (TASA / TASB) Convention Exhibit Hall during the fall along with student artist demos, a Texas YAM Flag Design Contest, an exhibit of over 100 pieces of student artwork at the Bullock Texas State History Museum followed by an Awards Celebration, various Big Art Day celebrations / events, and much more!

The following artworks are from the 2023-2024 YAM Spring Exhibition.
Click on either image for a high resolution image.

YAM Gallery - Allison Friels from Burleson ISD Artwork
Allison Friels
12th grade
Burleson ISD

YAM Gallery - Sydney Benvin from Deer Park ISD Artwork
Sydney Benvin
12th grade
Deer Park ISD


YAM Events

It's time to gear up for Youth Art Month! Gather your student art to submit for the TASA / TASB Exhibit, get your students working on YAM Flag Designs and start looking for excellent artwork to represent your district in March at the YAM Spring Exhibition.

Read the information and dates below for the upcoming year carefully as there have been some changes. Please do not use the previous year's YAM Book as the information and forms have changed.

Active TAEA Member teachers can submit an artwork to their District Representative (typically a Fine Arts Coordinator), who is responsible for choosing, uploading all associating images and forms, and shipment of the correct number of chosen artworks to be included in the Exhibition for the district (when applicable). Registration of all work is completed by one designated District Representative. Please work with your Fine Arts Coordinator / District Representative to submit artwork.

Submit 2024-2025 TASA / TASB Artwork

Click here for instructions on how to submit artwork for the TASA / TASB Convention. Online Registration is open Monday, August 5, 2024 - Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

Submit 2024-2025 Flag Design Entries

Click here for instructions on how to submit your artwork for the 2024-2025 YAM Flag Design. Artwork is due by Monday, December 16, 2024.

Submit 2024-2025 YAM Spring Exhibition Artwork

Click here for instructions on how to submit artwork for the 2024-2025 YAM Spring Exhibition. Online Registration is open Monday, November 4, 2024 - Friday, December 6, 2024.


YAM Calendar

Please see the 2024-2025 YAM Book for a complete list of YAM dates.

Type Dates Event
March 2025
YAM 1 - 31 Youth Art Month
  More . . .
June 2025
YAM 14 YAM Scrapbook Due
  More . . .
September 2025
YAM 26 - 28 TASA/TASB Convention - location TBA
  More . . .

Youth Art Month VP Contact Information

Please contact your TAEA YAM Team if you have any questions. When sharing your YAM celebrations and events via Social Media, please tag TAEA at #txYAM.

X — @TXarted or @TexasYAM
Facebook — @TexasArtEducationAssociation
Instagram — @txarted

Thank you for your support of Art Education and Youth Art Month!

Amber Forgey
TAEA Vice-President Youth Art Month
946 Lakehaven Trail
Lavon, TX 75166

Gretchen Bell-Young
TAEA Youth Art Month Facilitator

YAM - Masthead