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VASE 2025 season has started! TAEA 2025 Winter STAR child holding paint brush woman holding book woman looking at gallery

Why Join TAEA?

TAEA is a group of dedicated and passionate art educators and administrators who come together for a common goal — our children. Come join us in our quest to make Texas a leader in art education.

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Welcome to TAEA


TAEA's mission is to promote quality visual arts education in Texas by promoting visual arts education as an integral part of the curriculum through professional development of knowledge and skills, representation of the art educators of Texas, service and leadership opportunities, and research and development of policies and decisions relative to practices and directions in visual arts education; to sustain and advance professional development; to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge and skills.



We offer students a variety of programs like YAM, VASE, and TASA / TASB. And we proudly display their artwork in our galleries!



We learn from the TAEA Fall Conference, Book Studies, Leadership Scholars and Retreat, etc. In addition, TAEA provides Job Listings, Web Resources, the Annual Members Art Show, and more.



We advocate through several initiatives, like Big Art Day, District of Distinction, Scholarship programs, and Awards.



We connect our members through our governing bodies, publications, TAEO, NAEA, CEDFA, Texas Cultural Trust, Fellows, Job Search, and more.

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Mailing List

TAEA members are automatically added to TAEA's mailing list. But if you're not receiving our emails or are a non-member who wants to keep up with us, click the button below to subscribe.

Youth Art Month

Youth Art Month Logo

March is National Youth Art Month with Texas being a leader in YAM celebrations and events since it began. TAEA sponsors a number of programs celebrating art during the month of March. YAM events include TASA / TASB, Flag Design, and YAM Spring Exhibition artwork submissions, as well as the YAM Report and Digital Scrapbook submissions.

Looking for Something?

Woman Holding Book

TAEA's website has a ton of content — new and old! There are two great options for finding what you're looking for. Check out our A-Z Listing or the Google Site Search to find what you need.