2024 TAEA Leadership Institute Registration Form

2024 TAEA Leadership Institute

Tuesday-Thursday, June 18-20, 2024
Mo Ranch
2229 FM 134
Hunt, TX

The Leadership Institute is for members of TAEA who are interested in developing leadership skills and volunteering to serve in TAEA leadership roles.

Leadership Institute Flyer (PDF)

Agenda — Coming Soon

After attending the Leadership Institute, participants are highly encouraged to:

  1. Present a workshop at the next TAEA yearly conference,
  2. Serve TAEA and/or a local art organization in a leadership role.

Registration will continue through Sunday, June 9, 2024, or until we reach the registration limit of 42. Register early to reserve your spot!


$195.00 — Includes room, food, and all sessions
Check out the Mo Ranch website for more information.

ALL Attendees — Bring a sketchbook and any art supplies for art making on your own.

The location is beautiful and lends itself well to en plein air and photo opportunities, but it is also very rocky in areas.

Please login to register.